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Discover our favorite plants for the kitchen, fill them with green plants from FloraStore. Get inspired with kitchen plants in all shapes and sizes. Many plants can be used in the kitchen for delicious dishes!

Lemon plant

The lemon plant, also known as the citrus plant, is an addition to any kitchen! All lemon plants from the Netherlands produce edible lemons. You can also buy this lemon plant at FloraStore. If you like sour and bitter it is the ideal kitchen plant. The lemon plants in the Netherlands cannot get enough sunlight, as a result the taste of the plant does not ripen well enough, so that the taste always remains bitter.

Taking care of a lemon plant can be fairly easy, it is important that it is regularly checked that the plant has a moist soil. The plant can withstand drought but likes water very much, so give extra as soon as the plant grows lemons. Once you grow the lemon plant, make sure it gets plenty of sunlight. A spot in the kitchen by the window is ideal. The lemon plant needs about 5 to 6 hours of sunlight.

Recipes that use lemons include summer drinks (limoncello), fish dishes such as salmon, lasagnes or delicious with pasta. Also desserts such as cheesecake and ice creams. Discover for yourself what is possible with a lemon plant, get a plant in the kitchen! Read more .


Pancake plant (kokodama)

The Pilea Peperomioides, or popularly also called the pancake plant, owes its name to the flat round leaves. The plant was brought from China by a Swedish woman in the 1950s and has since gained a lot of popularity in Europe. The pancake plant is a fun plant for the kitchen. The plant does not require too much care and can also easily be hung in a room in a Kokodama pot. Because the plant is not that big, it can be placed anywhere.

Caring for a pancake plant is fairly simple, as the plant does not require a great deal of water. A small splash of water every week is enough, if the plant remains slightly moist, it will last for a long time. Pay close attention, as too much or too little water is not good for the plant. The pancake plant likes to be in a sunny spot where the plant is not exposed to too much direct light. A town on the south would be perfect. On warm days it is wise to temporarily give the plant another place.

The plant cannot be used for dishes, the pancake plant is poisonous and cannot be eaten. Be careful with pets! What is very easy is to make cuttings from the plant. The cuttings gradually grow from the mother plant. When the cuttings are large enough, about 10 cm, they can be carefully cut from the plant with a kitchen knife. These can then develop further in potting soil or in water.

fig tree

The fig tree, also called the Ficus Carica, is one of the oldest trees used to grow fruit. The plant is native to western Asia. Today, the plants are widely found in southern Europe. In addition, fig trees also do well in the Dutch climate. Advice is to put a fig tree inside. A fig tree in the house does the plant well.

It is also important when caring for the fig tree that the soil remains slightly moist all the time. As soon as the soil starts to dry up, the plant needs a splash of water again. If the Ficus Carica has just been bought, it does not hurt to give a little more water, over time you will have a better understanding of the water requirement of the plant. The fig tree likes to be in a place with a lot of sunlight. A place with at least 5 hours of sunlight in the kitchen is perfect for the plant.

Fig tree for the kitchen: the flesh and seeds of the figs are edible. When the figs are still fresh, they can even be eaten with the whole skin on! The sweet taste of the figs combines well with spicy flavours. Other examples that figs go well with are a slice of bacon, cheese such as gorgonzola or goat cheese. In addition, figs can be pureed and then deliciously mixed with ice cream or yogurt. Try it yourself, buy a fig tree for the kitchen!


Hole plant

The Hole plant, also known as the Monstera, is a plant that comes from Central America (Mexico). This plant may be a bit strange in this list of plants for the kitchen. But the hole plant is a valuable addition to the kitchen, especially when it is still small! The hole plant can easily be hung somewhere in a small space in a Kokodama pot. The most commonly used type of hole plant for this is the Monstera Minima. We also offer a Monstera Adansonii Variegata at FloraStore. For when you want to buy a really special hole plant. In addition, the Monstera Monkey leaf is a real eye-catcher for the kitchen that can be found in many Dutch households.

Hole plant care is easy, the plant does not attach much importance to a specific location. It is only important that the hole plant is not in direct sunlight for too long. The Monstera originates from a tropical environment where there is a lot of shade and humidity. By imitating the environment or by watering regularly, the Monstera will thrive, even in a kitchen as a hanging plant. Watering once a week is sufficient for the Monstera. The soil should always be slightly moist. In terms of nutrition, the plant can grow even better, feeding once every two weeks will do the plant good. In addition, the plant is best repotted every 2 years.

The Monstera is a poisonous plant, so be careful with pets, it would be a shame if your proud four-legged friend is in danger. Besides the fact that the Monstera is poisonous, there is a positive point, because the plant is air-purifying. Refresh your kitchen, buy a hole plant!

Banana plant

The Musa is a plant that is known for its large leaves and is also called the banana plant, banana tree or dwarf banana. Originally, the plant can be found in South-East Asia, but because the plant is widely harvested worldwide, it can be found in many places. The plant is a real addition to the interior and creates a holiday feeling.

The Musa is a plant that usually needs a lot of sunlight. Because the need for sunlight is great, this means that the plant also needs a lot of water. The plant can grow best if the soil remains moist, as soon as it is too dry the plant will not be able to grow optimally.

The banana plant (or Musa) can of course not be missed in the kitchen. Normally these are smaller plants that you can also easily take cuttings. The plant can become one of the largest plants on earth, it is the largest species without a woody stem. The banana plant is actually an herb, similar to plants such as lilies, palms and orchids. History tells us that the banana plant took on a very important role as a food source. For example, over the centuries bananas were taken by settlers and travelers and planted in the fertile soil in, for example, the Caribbean. Over the years, the banana plant has been cultivated everywhere, now only your kitchen remains! Read more .

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