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Phlebodium Information & tips - Plant Guide

Phlebodium Information & tips - Plant Guide

The Phlebodium, better known as the Bluefishing/Zinc Fern, grows wild at various treetops of different jungles. This is because this plant belongs to the epiphytes.
Phlebodium Information & tips - Plant Guide
  • Water regularly
  • Semi-shade, no direct sunlight
  • Strongly air-purifying
  • Nutrition every month (summer)
  • Not toxic for animals
  • Repot every other year


The Phlebodium, better known as the Bluefishing/Zinc Fern, grows wild at various treetops of different jungles. This is because this plant belongs to the epiphytes. Epiphytes are plants that grow on trees, without extracting nutrients from the trees. It is an attractive fern with a blue/green leaf colour and a finger-like shape. This fern is very strong, has no leaf fall and always retains its ornamental value.


The Phlebodium doesn't care very much about where it stands, as long as it isn't in the full direct sun. A spot in the semi-shade is therefore best. Keeps the plant at room temperature all year round. In winter it should be a bit cooler as the plant will then be in a resting position. Avoid draughty spots and cold, this is not what the Phlebodium likes.


A temperature between 18 and 25 degrees Celsius is ideal for the Phlebodium. In any case, keep the temperature above 13 degrees Celsius in winter.


In winter, watering once a week is fast enough. In summer, however, this is not enough and is recommended twice a week. Do not water in the heart of the plant because then the plant can become bare. Do not use too cold water, this is not good for the plant either. Water at room temperature is fine.


Give once a month some extra food. Do this only in the summer and never use more than the indicated dosage. In the winter it is not necessary to feed the plant as it will be in the resting position and consumes less energy. The superfluous nutrients will sit in the soil, making the soil more acidic and this is bad for the roots.


If you want to repot the Phlebodium, do so preferably in the spring. If the plant is damaged during repotting, it still has enough time to recover.


The Phlebodium, or the blue fern/zinc fern, originates from South America and belongs to the oak fern family.


Normally ferns do not suffer so easily from diseases. However, the Phlebodium can suffer from spider mites. Prevent this by keeping the plant as far away from draughty spots as possible. This is what the sapwood likes. If it does happen that your Phlebodium gets problems with spider mites, it is important to combat this as soon as possible with a biological or if desired a chemical pesticide.