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Mandeville 'Rio Deep Red' - Dipladenia - ø17cm - Height 60-70cm
Mandeville 'Rio Deep Red' - Dipladenia - ø17cm - Height 60-70cm

Mandeville 'Rio Deep Red' - Dipladenia - ø17cm - Height 60-70cm

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The Mandevilla, also known as the Dipladenia, is one of the most rewarding flowering garden plants. From May until the first frost, this plant will surprise you with its deep red trumpet-shaped flowers. That is why the Mandevilla is a very popular...
Height (incl. pot) ± 60 cm
Pot size 17 cm

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Product Information
The Mandevilla, also known as the Dipladenia, is one of the most rewarding flowering garden plants. From May until the first frost, this plant surprises everyone with its deep red trumpet-shaped flowers. Not surprisingly, the Mandevilla is a very popular flowering plant in gardens, on balconies and patios. The Mandevilla is a climbing plant that blooms from May to October (or sometimes even November or early December!). Originally from South America, this exotic plant is also hugely popular in our garden. The plant has a very long flowering season with wonderfully fragrant flowers. A lush grower, it also produces very long tendrils in a short time so that it can easily cover a wall or fence. This Mandevilla comes with bamboo canes that the plant grows against, creating a special pyramid shape.

The Dipladenia is a very tropical plant but is therefore not hardy. Put the plants in winter inside or in a sheltered place. They need water regularly, in summer once a day. When it gets colder again in the fall, this can be phased out. It is important that the Dipladenia stands in a spacious pot that drains well.

Plant height
On delivery the plants have a height of 60 to 70 cm (measured incl. pot). The plants are delivered in pots with a diameter / diameter of 17cm.